Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Huff family Session....

Ok... We met up with the Huff Family at Cedar Rock Park in Burlington, NC. I was ecstatic about the location because it was one of my favorite places to go from a child on up into my high school and college days and I haven't been back since. The place hasn't changed a bit and just walking around there watching the Huff children run around and play shot me back twenty some odd years to when I would do the same with my brothers.

Shea and Lance truly have a beautiful family. I was equally excited to see Shea because we graduated high school together and I literally have not seen her since we threw our hats in the air thirteen years ago! I think since then she has been living in a pressurized chamber or something because she hasn't aged a day!

We had a great time. Here are some of our favorites from our time together...

Amy took this as Shea was crossing the creek holding the little one.

No worries... Amy had the boys preoccupied... ha!

Such an adorable child...

the trees knew we were coming...

Oh and check out the slide show from the day below...

We really enjoyed this shoot and hope you enjoyed the pictures... Take a sec and let us know what you think!


1 comment:

  1. All of them are GREAT..but my favorite is the tree shot of the family..very unique idea! Adorable family.
