Thursday, August 20, 2009

First day of 2nd grade....

Oh my word someone slap me right now... My firstborn is in 2nd grade and Emma starts k-4?!! Well as shocking as this is to me, I slung the camera over my shoulder and got out the door at the break of dawn. It is nice to see the sun rise for a change. Julia was a ball of emotions... a little nervous, a lot excited. Anyways, Thought I'd share these moments with you all.... look on....

They walk, together as always...

I know it really helped Julia with her nervousness to have Emma there. It gave her this sense of purpose... The walk into the school was filled with detailed explanations of everything.

L-O-V-E this shot... Julia busy explaining things away and Emma's face says it all... (to herself... "I'm a big girl now.")

Have a great day Julia...tomorrow I will be seeing you off to college...



  1. OMGoodness....make me cry!!! (Great wording -- I think it sums up what all us mommies were thinking on that oh-so-bright-and-early Tuesday morning!)
    Hope y'all have a great year! ;)

  2. always love shots of the kiddies on their first day. sad and happy at the same time. love the first one!

  3. This blog post made be boo hoo like a baby:( So sweet!!!

  4. omg, this picture and comment just made me cry!!! I love all your pics Amy, you are so fabulous!
